The collection of signatures started on the 6th of October 2016. You can now sign online here: Go to the petition! We are working on further integration in our website. Below you can read the text of submitted initiative.

Title of the proposed citizens’ initiative
More than education – Shaping active and responsible citizens

A set of incentive measures, including support and monitoring, to develop citizenship education in
curricula on all levels of formal education throughout Europe, aimed at shaping democratic citizens.

Objectives of the proposed CI on which the commission is invited to act

A democratic society relies on the citizens' participation, shared values and capability of critical thinking. The Commission should support member states in their responsibility to enable young people from all backgrounds to develop competencies for participating responsibly in society. To promote cohesion, action should be coordinated throughout the Union, by setting a long-term agenda, creating benchmarks, providing support to states, doing periodic evaluations and sharing best practice.

Provisons of the Treaties considered relevant by the organisers

Article 165 and 166 of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union